I know, i know being the mother of daughters is not a walk in the park either.   I mean really, how many times can you listen to the Ice Princess (I forget her name) singing Let it Go while your daughter flings her arms around dramatically knocking over nearby household items and how many arguments can you really have about whether a leotard, tutu, tiara and pair of slippers is suitable attire to wear to school in the middle of winter sub zero temperatures. Us mothers of sons, on the other hand, think that a clean pair of underpants, matching socks and a T shirt without holes in it is right up there with world peace.

And of course there is a very good reason why men pay more insurance than women and it starts when they are pretty much knee high.  I mean why would you possibly ride your bicycle down a hill like a normal person when you can do it with no hands, standing on the seat blindfolded.  Add a ramp in and your day is made.  Why go through a gate when you can jump over the barbed wire fence next to it tearing your clothes and skin in the process requiring stitches, needless to say during after hours thereby also bankrupting your parents.  How much fun is it to put a bee in a packet, shake it around a bit, hold it against your knee and instruct your friend to try and shoot the bee with a BB gun at close range.  TRUE STORY!  My husband still has the scar on his knee to prove it.

And don’t even get me started on Mythbusters, those guys have so much to answer for.  Just the other day when my eldest was off with his friend shooting at rocks, trees, etc on the farm they found a pipe with a U bend in it.  Now a normal person would just keep walking but a boy child sees a whole world of possibilities because of course, if you put the barrel of your pellet gun at the one end of the pipe and shoot the bullet is going to follow the U bend and come out the other side.  Or it could hit the U bend, come straight back at you, miss your eye by inches and leave a nice hole in your forehead.  But mom, it worked on Mythbusters.

On the plus side, i would like to once again thank my family for the ongoing blog material.

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